
GDPR – All You Need to Know

GDPR - All You Need to Know

The GDPR is a comprehensive piece of legislation, bringing the most significant changes to data protection law in the EU in over a decade. Whilst we aren’t GDPR specialists, we’ve highlighted some of the key points which may affect you in this our blog, ‘GDPR – What Will the Changes Mean to You?’.

There are no singular actions you can take to be compliant, it’s going to take a collective organisational effort. We have the support of Microsoft, who are dedicated to continually enhancing Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Dynamics 365 Business Central to support users with compliance. You can read their blog ‘Get GDPR compliant with the Microsoft Cloud’ here.

Microsoft recommends 5 Key steps to GDPR Compliance:

  1. Discover – Identify personal data and where it resides in your NAV system
  2. Manage – Govern how personal data is used
  3. Protect – Establish security controls to protect your data
  4. Protect – Establish controls to detect breaches

5: Report – Execute on data requests and required documentation.

If you attended our GDPR Tool webinar you may see the correlation between the functionality and reporting offered in our tool and the GDPR directives it compliments.

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GDPR - All You Need to Know